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Lebanese migrants in Australia and New Zealand : an annotated bibliography


Lebanese Migrants in Australia and New Zealand:
An Annotated Bibliography

Prepared and compiled by Paul Tabar

ISBN: 9789953418896 (pbk.)
Publication: 2004
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The main aim behind the publication of this book is to present a valuable source for re¬searchers working in the field of Lebanese emigration studies, especially those re¬searchers living in Australia and New Zealand. The book provides the reader with an annotated bibliography of the books on the state of the Lebanese mi¬grants that have been published in both of the aforementioned countries. Hence, it helps researchers through facilitating the process of reference selection. It can also serve as a means of establishing unstudied fields that could be used to produce more knowledge of the state of affairs of Lebanese migrants. The author, a sociolo¬gy professor and a researcher at the Lebanese Emigration Research Center of Notre Dame University, has made use of many universities and national libraries in Australia and New Zealand to prepare this book. He has also resorted to field data in order to get the latest updates on books published by charity and social service or¬ganizations working amongst Lebanese mi¬grants. Finally, the book encompasses most of the titles of PhD theses published by various Australian and New Zealander universities on the conditions of the Lebanese Diaspora and its genealogy.

يسعى هذا الكتاب لأن يكون سندًا للباحثين في مجال دراسة أحوال المهاجرين اللبنانيّين، ولاسيّما القاطنين في أستراليا ونيوزيلندا. فهو يقدّم للقارئ "ثبت مشروح" بأغلبية الكتابات التي صدرت في البلدين المذكورين حول بعض أوضاع المهاجرين اللبنانيّين. لذلك هو، يسهّل على الباحثين عمليّة انتقاء المراجع التي قد تفيد أبحاثهم، كما ويمكن استخدامه لتجديد المجالات غير المدروسة إلى الآن، والتي يمكن القيام بها لانتاج المزيد من المعرفة حول المهاجرين اللبنانيّين.

Lebanese migrants in Australia and New Zealand : an annotated bibliography
Paul Tabar
First Edition
Published by: NDU Press
Copyright© 2004
Lebanese Emigration Research Center (LERC)
Notre Dame University, Louaize
P.O. Box: 72, Zouk Mikael – Lebanon
Printed by: Meouchy & Zakaria Printers – Beirut – Lebanon

author info



Center Matters
Dr. Edward Alam
Sufism, Christian Mysticism and Romanticism
Dr. Naji B. Oueijan
في الفنّ: اللاواقع هو واقع آخر
Mr. Souheil Mattar
The Book of Khalid and The Prophet
Dr. Ameen A. Rihani
Educational Research in the I,evantine: Revisited
Dr. Ramzi Nasser and Dr. Kamal Abou Chedid
Computer Assistance: The Solution to Enhance Learning
Dr. Christine Sabieh
The Cultural Factor in L2 Acquisition
Dr. Sami Samra
The Training of Translation Instructors -- Dilemma or Challenge?
Dr. Carol A. Kfoury
Communication Arts
The Revolution of the Arab Satellite TV Stations Versus the Local Broadcast Media
Mr. Kamal Darouny

Political Science
Globalism and Localism: Changing our Political Understanding of Sovereignty and Democracy
Dr. Chahine Ghais
الإدارة الحديثة وإمكانية إدخالها إلى الإدارة اللبنانية
Dr. George Labaky

Architecture, Art and Design
The 21st Century Paradigm
Dr. Farid Younes

Business Administration
Marketing Practices in the Arab World
Mr. Joudallah Bey El-Mourhabi

Natural and Applied Sciences
Environmental Impact Assessment for Sanitary Landfills-Lebanon
Dr. Layla Khalaf
eMEDAC: Role-based Access Control Supporting Discretionary and Mandatory Features
Dr. Mavridis I., Dr. Pangalos G., and Dr. Marie Khair
Kolmogorov Complexity and Effective Computation: A New Way of Formulating Proofs
Dr. Fouad Chedid
Euler-Type Formula Using Maple
Dr. Badih Ghusayni

Monte Carlo Simulations of Electromagnetic Scattering from Sea Ice with a Rough Surface
Dr. Elias Nassar, Dr. Joel T. Johnson, and Dr. Robert Lee

Notes on Contributors

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