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Information Literacy Subject Guide


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How to Spot Fake News

Critical thinking is a key skill in media and information literacy, and the mission of libraries is to educate and advocate its importance.(IFLA)

Why use credible sources?

Using credible sources will add value to your research argument and give your writing credibility. To support your assignment and have better results, you must use high-quality resources. Conversely, poor quality references will be noticed and are likely to undesirably affect your results.

Copyright and Fair Use Animation

Information Literacy 2020


Important Definitions

  • copyright: "The exclusive right to make copies, license, and otherwise exploit a literary, musical, or artistic work, whether printed, audio, video, etc.: works granted such right by law on or after January 1, 1978, are protected for the lifetime of the author or creator and for a period of 50 years after his or her death." (
  • intellectual property: "Property that results from original creative thought, as patents, copyright material, and trademarks." (
  • fair use: "The conditions under which you can use material that is copyrighted by someone else without paying royalties." (
  • Information Literacy: "Information literacy includes the ability to identify, find, evaluate, and use information effectively. From effective search strategies to evaluation techniques, students learn how to evaluate the quality, credibility, and validity of websites".(Retrieved from: Common sense education).

Internet Research

The internet contains many resources that allow the user access to a variety of information that may be very useful, but may also be unreliable. For your research, it is preferable to follow this order of domain names as a guide to the credibility of your information:

  • Education: .edu
  • Academic: .ac
  • Government: .gov
  • Organization: .org
  • Commercial: .com
  • Network: .net

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

Scholarly vs Non Scholarly Information

  • Scholarly information usually refers to information that you find from your Library’s resources. Scholarly works are written by experts in the field and are examined for accuracy. They are also known as peer reviewed sources. A level of credibility is assumed when an item is found within the Library. However even if your evidence is sourced from the Library, the quality of the information itself should be assessed critically.
  • Non-scholarly Information usually refers to information that you find freely available on the Internet, and which can be written by anyone, for any purpose, without any expectation of trustworthiness.


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